MNT Reimbursement Group Coaching May 19

  • MNT Reimbursement Group Coaching May 19

    Posted by Diane Machcinski on May 12, 2022 at 11:53 am

    MNT Practice Pro
    Virtual Group Coaching begins May 19th, 2022
    3 pm eastern/12 pm pacific

    <font color=”#ff0000″>Grab the EARLY BIRD</font> sales price for our virtual group coaching program: MNT Practice Pro.

    by May 16th (midnight PDT) and….drum roll….

    <font color=”#ff0000″>The FIRST 5 people registered</font> for<font face=”times new roman, serif”> MNT Practice Pro</font> receive a <font color=”#ff0000″>FREE </font>hour individual coaching session.

    Take advantage of this deal NOW.

    Covered topics in the 11 sessions including Q & A

    Virtual group sessions <font face=”times new roman, serif”>recorded </font>and made available if you miss a session.

    <font size=”2″ face=”arial, sans-serif”>Here’s What You’ll Learn:</font>

    • <font face=”arial, sans-serif”>How to set up your ideal business so you can quickly open your practice</font>
    • <font face=”arial, sans-serif”>The easy and successful systems for referrals and client management</font>
    • <font face=”arial, sans-serif”>How to develop multiple streams of revenue</font>
    • <font face=”arial, sans-serif”>Why you should accept insurance</font>
    • <font face=”arial, sans-serif”>Practice billing </font>
    • <font face=”arial, sans-serif”>The simple marketing plan to help you get more clients</font>
    • <font face=”arial, sans-serif”>How to make sure you get paid every time </font>


    <font color=”#000000″ face=”times new roman, serif” size=”4″> Diane and Michele </font>

    Diane Machcinski, M.Ed.,RD and Michele Chynoweth, RD, CDE

    MNT Reimbursement Specialists, Inc

    Instagram: MNTReimbursement

    Ebook: 3 Biggest Billing Mistakes all Dietitians should avoid

    Diane Machcinski replied 2 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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